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The electric fan does not work because of the ______ of service.A.pauseB.breakC.interrupti

The electric fan does not work because of the ______ of service.





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What is the main drawback of the electric car?A.It is not comfortable.B.It is difficult to

What is the main drawback of the electric car?

A.It is not comfortable.

B.It is difficult to steer.

C.It cannot go long distances without recharging.

D.Its engine easily overheats.


The idea of a fish being able to generate electricity strong enough to light lamp bulbs--or even to run a small electric motor--is almost unbelievable, but several kinds of fish are able to do this. Even more strangely, this curious power has been acquired in different ways by fish belonging to very different families.

Perhaps the best known are the electric rays, or torpedoes(电鳐), of which several kinds live in warm seas. They possess on each side of the head, behind the eyes, a large organ consisting of a number of hexagonal shaped cells rather like a honeycomb. The cells are filled with a jelly-like substance, and contain a series of flat electric plates. One side, the negative side, of each plate, is supplied with very fine nerves, connected with a main nerve coming from a special part of the brain. Current passes from the upper, positive side of the organ downwards, to the negative, lower side. Generally it is necessary to touch the fish in two places, completing the circuit, in order to receive a shock.

The strength of this shock depends on the size of the fish, but newly born ones only about 5 centime-tres across can be made to light the bulb of a pocket flashlight for a few moments, while a fully grown torpedo gives a shock capable of knocking a man down, and, if suitable wires are connected, will operate a small electric motor for several minutes.

Another famous example is the electric eel. This fish gives an even more powerful shock. The system is different from that of the torpedo in that the electric plates run longitudinally(纵向) and are supplied with nerves from the spinal(脊骨) cord. Consequently, the current passes along the fish from head to tail. The electric organs of these fish are really altered muscles and like all muscles are apt (likely) to tire, so they are not able to produce electricity for very long.

The power of producing electricity may serve these fish both for defence and attack.

It can be seen from the passage that().

A.the capacity to generate electricity is the distinctive characteristic of the fish

B.the current travels in an upward direction from the positive side to negative side in torpedo's electric cells

C.some fish can produce enough electricity to drive a number of electric motors

D.the torpedo' s electric cells have a shape with six sides

All the useful energy at the surface of the earth comes from the activity of the sun. The
sun heats and feeds creatures and mankind. Each year it provides men with two hundred million tons of grain and nearly ten million tons of wood.

Coal, oil, natural gas, and all other fuels are stored energy from the sun. Some was collected by this season's plants as carbon compounds. Some was stored by plants and trees ages ago. Even waterpower derives from the sun. Water turned into vapor by the sun falls as rain. It courses down the mountains and is converted to electric power. Light transmits only the energy that comes from the sun's outer layer, and much of this energy that is directed towards the earth never arrives. About nine tenths of it is absorbed by the atmosphere of the earth. In fact, the earth itself gets only one half millionth of the sun's entire output of radiant energy.

The sun is the source of all of the following EXCEPT______.


B.natural gas

C.atomic power

D.animal fat

All the useful energy at the surface of the earth comes from the activity of the sun. The
sun heats and feeds mankind. Each year it provides men with two hundred million tons of grain and nearly ten million tons of wood.

Coal, oil, natural gas, and all other fuels are stored-up energy from the sun. Some was collect ed by this season's plants as carbon compounds. Some was stored by plants and trees ages ago.

Even waterpower derives from the sun. Water turned into vapor by the sun falls as rain. It courses down the mountains and is converted to electric power.

Light transmits only the energy that comes from the sun' s outer layers, and much of this energy that is directed toward the earth never arrives. About nine-tenths of it is absorbed by the atmosphere of the earth. In fact; the earth itself gets only one half-billionth of the sun' s entire output of radiant energy.

All the useful energy at the surface of the earth comes ______.

A.directly from the sun

B.from the sun' s activity

C.from energy stored by the sun

D.from radiation of the sun

Country music is an American popular-music style. In its current form, country music is a
combination of two separate musical traditions: the styles of the Southeastern states and the music of the Southwest, especially Texas. Both styles influenced and were influenced by the blues and by the black rural dance music.

The first country artists to be widely known achieved popularity in the late 1920s. The music of these performers was heard throughout tile south during the 1920s and 30s on radio programs.

By the 1950s, country music had become a significant force in pop music. Regular appearances on the radio show made stars of many performers. The singer-songwriter Hank Williams wrote four million-seller songs in 1950, seven in 1951, and four more in 1953.

By the 1970s, "some country musicians began combining country music with electric instruments, creating a country rock sound.

What does "Both styles" in Line 3, Paragraph 1 refer to?

A.Country music style. and the musical style. of the Southeastern states.

B.The musical styles of the Southwestern states and the Southeastern states.

C.The Southwestern musical style. and Texas musical style.

D.The styles of blues and the black rural dance music.

?Read the article below about corporate culture on the opposite page. ?For each question 1

?Read the article below about corporate culture on the opposite page.

?For each question 13-18, mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose.

The term corporate culture refers to an organization's value system. Managerial philosophies, workplace practices, and organizational network are included in the concept of corporate culture. Tyson Food's corporate culture is reflected in the fact that everyone—even CEO Don Tyson wears clothes of a yellowish brown color on the job.

The leaders who developed the company and the corporate culture typically shape the corporate culture.One generation of employees passes on a corporate culture to newer employees. Sometimes this is part of formal training. New managers who attend McDonald's Hamburger University may learn skills in management,but they also pick up the basics of the organization's corporate culture. Employees can absorb corporate culture through informal contacts as well, by talking with other workers and through their experiences on the job.

Corporate culture has a major impact on the success of an organization. In organizations with strong cultures,everyone knows and supports the organizations' objectives. In those with weak cultures, no clear sense of purpose exists. In fact, the authors of the classic book In Search of Excellence concluded the presence of a strong corporate culture was the single common thread among many diverse but highly successful companies such as General Electric and McDonald's.

As you can imagine, changing a company's corporate culture can be very difficult. But some managers try to do just that when they feel the current culture is weak, or when the organization's objectives change and the old culture no longer fits. Sometimes the competitive situation of a company changes.For instance, electric utilities, which once had their profits guaranteed by public regulation, now face more competition than ever. Firms that were comfortable competing against other American companies now find themselves fighting competitors from overseas, too.

Management expert Peter Duckers feels that, rather than trying to change culture, managers should focus on changing employees and corporate practices, as follows.

?Define what results are needed. Specify in measurable terms what the organization or department,or office) needs to achieve.

?Determine where these results are already being achieved within the current organization. Analyze the departments that are already effective and find out what they are doing differently from the rest.

?Determine what top management can do to encourage these good results. Duckers suggests that executives openly ask what they can do to help, and then do it.

?Change the reward system—or develop a new one—to recognize these effective practices. When employees realize that the organization really does reward the new approach, they will adopt it much more quickly. Whether one wants to change an organization culture or not, it is important to choose managers and employees whose personal styles fit the organization's goals.

According to the passage, corporate culture

A.means the cultural atmosphere in a company.

B.is established by top leaders and can't be changed.

C.involves the core values of a company.

D.has little influence on the performance of a company.

THOMAS EDISON On the night of 21 October 1931, millions of Americanstookpart in a coast-to


On the night of 21 October 1931, millions of Americans took part in a coast-to-coast ceremony to commemorate the passing of a great man. Lights 【B1】______ in homes and offices from New York to California. The ceremony 【B2】______ the death of an inventor—indeed, to many people, the most important inventor of 【B3】______ time: Thomas Alva Edison.

Few inventors have 【B4】______ an impact as great as his on everyday life. While most of his 1 000- plus inventions were devices we no 【B5】______ use, many of the things he invented played a crucial 【B6】______ in the development of modern technology, simply by showing what was possible. And one should never 【B7】______ how amazing some of Edison's inventions were.

In so many ways, Edison is the perfect example of an inventor, by which I 【B8】______ not just someone who 【B9】______ up clever gadgets, but someone whose products transform. the lives of millions. He possessed the key characteristics that an inventor needs to 【B10】______ a success of inventions. Sheer determination is certainly one of them. Edison famously tried thousands of materials while working 【B11】______a new type of battery, reacting to failure by cheerfully 【B12】______to his colleagues: 'Well, 【B13】______we know 8 000 things that don't work.' Knowing when to take no 【B14】______ of experts is also important. Edison's proposal for electric lighting circuitry was 【B15】______ with total disbelief by eminent scientists, until he lit up whole streets with his lights.


A.turned out

B.came off

C.went out

D.put off

One hundred and thirteen million Americans have at least one bank-issued credit card. They
give their owners automatic credit in stores, restaurants, and hotels, at home, across the country, and even abroad, and they make many banking services available as well' More and more of these credit cards can be read automatically, making it possible to withdraw or deposit money in scattered locations, whether or not the local branch bank is open. For many of us the"cashless society"is not on the horizon- it's already here.

While computers offer these conveniences to consumers, they have many advantages for sellers too. Electronic cash registers can do much more than simply ring up sales. They can keep a wide range of records, including who sold what, when, and to whom. This information allows businessmen to keep track of their list of goods by showing which items are being sold and how fast they are moving. Decisions to reorder or return goods to suppliers can then be made. At the same time these computers record which hours are busiest and which employees are the most efficient, allowing personnel and staffing assignments to be made accordingly. And they also identify preferred customer for promotional campaigns. Computers are relied on by manufacturers for similar reasons. Computer analyzed marketing reports can help to decide which products to emphasize now, which to develop for the future, and which to drop. Computers keep track of goods in stock, of raw materials on hand, and even of the production process itself.

Numerous other commercial enterprises, from theaters to magazine publishers, from gas and electric utilities to milk processors, bring better and more efficient services to consumers through the use of computers.

According to the passage, the credit card enables its owner to ______.

A.withdraw as much money from the bank as he wishes

B.obtain more convenient services than order people do

C.enjoy greater trust from the storekeeper

D.cash money where he wishes to

Investment in the public sector, such as electricity, irrigation, public services and tran
sport (excluding vehicles, ships and planes) increased by about 10%, although the emphasis moved to the transport and away from the other sectors mentioned. Trade and services recorded a 16% to 17% investment growth, including a 30% increase in investment in business premises. Industrial investment is estimate to have risen by 8%. Although the share of agriculture in total gross investment in the economy continued to decline, investment grew by 9% in absolute terms, largely spurred on by a 23% expansion of investment in agricultural equipment. Housing construction had 12% more invested in it in 1964, not so much owing to increased demand, as to fears of new taxes and limitation of building.

Total consumption in real terms rose by close on 11% during 1964, and per capital personal consumption by under 7%, as in 1963. The undesirable trend towards a rapid rise in consumption, evident in previous years, remained unaltered. Since at current prices consumption rose by 16% and disposable income by 13%, there was evidently a fall in the rate of saving in the private sector of the economy. Once again consumption patterns indicated a swift advance in the standard of living. Expenditure on food declined in significance, although consumption of fruit increased. Spending on furniture and household equipment, health, education and recreation continued to increase. The greatest proof of altered living standards was the rapid expansion of expenditure on transport (including private cars) and personal services of all kinds, which occurred during 1964. The progressive wealth of large sectors of the public was demonstrated by the changing composition of durable goods purchased. Saturation(饱和) point was rapidly being approached for items such as the first household radio, gas cookers, and electric refrigerators, whereas increasing purchases of automobiles and television sets Were registered.

The author thinks that the trend towards a rapid rise in consumption was "undesirable" because______.

A.people saved less

B.people were wealthy

C.people consumed less

D.expenditures on luxuries in creased

Thousands of years ago man used handy rocks for his surgical operations. Later he used sha
rp bone or horn, metal knives and, more recently, rubber and plastic. And that was where we stuck, in surgical instrument terms, for many years. In the 1960s a new tool was developed, one which was, first of all, to be of great practical use to the armed forces and industry, but which was also, in time, to revolutionize the art and science of surgery.

The tool is the laser and it is, being used by more and more surgeons all over the world, for a very large number of different complaints. The word laser means: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. As we all know, light is hot; any source of light--from the sun itself down to a humble match burning--will give warmth. But light is usually spread out over a wide area. The light in a laser beam, however, is concentrated. This means that a light with no more power than that produced by an ordinary electric light bulb becomes intensely strong as it is concentrated to a pinpoint-sized beam.

Experiments with these pinpoint beams have shown researchers that different energy sources produce beams that have a particular effect on certain living cells. It is possible for eye surgeons to operate on the back of the human eye without harming the front of the eye, simply by passing a laser beam right through the eyeball. No knives, no stitches, no unwanted damage--a true surgical wonder.

Operations which once left patients exhausted and in need of long periods of recovery time now leave them feeling relaxed and comfortable. So much more difficult operations can now be tried.

The rapid development of laser techniques in the past ten years has made it clear that the future is likely to be very exciting. Perhaps some cancers will be treated with laser in a way that makes surgery not only safer but more effective. Altogether, tomorrow may see more and more information coming to light on the diseases which can be treated medically.

We find that after the development of the laser in the 1960s, ______.

A.medical help became available to industrial workers

B.the study of surgical techniques went through a complete revolution

C.more and more surgeons began using surgical instruments

D.man's whole approach to surgery changed completely

The 1990s were all about downsizing, the practice of laying off large numbers of staff in
the search for efficiency and profitability. More than 17 million workers were laid off between 1988 and 1995, although about 28 mil lion jobs were added back to the economy.

Two economists at the Federal Reserve Bank in Dallas, W. Michael Cox and Richard Alin, reported on the 10 largest downsizers of the 1990—1995 period, which include Digital Equipment, McDonnell Douglas, General Electric, and Kmart. Collective output (sales adjusted for inflation) declined by almost 10 percent. On the other hand, productivity per worker rose nearly 28 percent, compared with a gain of 1.5 percent in the rest of the economy. Says Cox, "Most of the companies emerged from the downsizing more competitive than before and thus were able to provide greater security to their workers. " The cost? 850,000 workers.

Yet negative outcomes prevailed at many firms. Devastatingly low morale, increased disability claims and suits for wrongful discharge (解雇), and general mistrust of management plague many companies. A study done at the Wharton School examined data on several thousand firms and found that downsizing had little or no effect on earnings or stock market performance. Far more effective were leveraged buyouts (举债全额收购) and portfolio (投资组合) restructuring.

There is some evidence that consistent focus on creating value for share holders, which includes paring unneeded workers, actually increases jobs in the long run, "Stronger, leaner companies are able to compete in the world market more effectively, and that ultimately draws jobs back to those companies." That's the opinion of Thomas Copland, a director of McKinsey and Co., a management consulting firm that studied 20 years of data or 1,000 companies in the United States, Canada, Germany, Holland, Belgium, and France. The study revealed that, unlike those in the United States and Canada, the European firms lost jobs in the long term because their returns to shareholders fell between 1970 and 1990.

Although long-run growth is a pleasant prospect for shareholders, the short-term loss of jobs and income has left many employees and their families struggling in the aftermath of downsizing.

The term "downsizing" in this passage means ______.

A.just cutting down to size

B.producing smaller models or styles

C.cutting jobs and positions for higher performance and profits

D.cutting down on incentive programs

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