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Gene therapy and gene-based drugs are two ways we could benefit from our growing mastery o

f genetic science. But there will be others as well. Here is one of the remarkable therapies on the cutting edge of genetic research that could make their way into mainstream medicine in the coming years.

While it's true that just about every cell in the body has the instructions to make a complete human, most of those instructions are inactivated, and with good reason: the last thing you want for your brain cells is to start churning out stomach acid or your nose to turn into a kidney. The only time cells truly have the potential to turn into any and all body parts is very early in a pregnancy, when so-called stem cells haven't begun to specialize.

Yet this untapped potential could be a terrific boon to medicine. Most diseases involve the death of healthy cells-brain cells in Alzheimer's, cardiac cells in heart disease, pancreatic cells in diabetes, to name a few. If doctors could isolate stem cells, then direct their growth, they might be able to furnish patients with healthy replacement tissue.

It was incredibly difficult, but last fall scientists at the University of Wisconsin managed to isolate stem ceils and get them to grow into neural, gut, muscle and bone cells. The process still can't be controlled, and may have unforeseen limitations; but if efforts to understand and master stem-cell development prove successful, doctors will have a therapeutic tool of incredible power.

The same applies to cloning, which is really just the other side of the coin; true cloning, as first shown with the sheep Dolly two years ago, involves taking a developed cell and reactivating the genome within, resetting its developmental instructions to a pristine state. Once that happens, the rejuvenated cell can develop into a full-fledged animal, genetically identical to its parent.

For agriculture, in which purely physical characteristics like milk production in a cow or low fat in a hog have real market value, biological carbon copies could become routine within a few years. This past year scientists have done for mice and cows what Ian Wilmut did for Dolly, and other creatures are bound to join the cloned menagerie in the coming year.

Human cloning, on the other hand, may be technically feasible but legally and emotionally more difficult. Still, one day it will happen. The ability to reset body cells to a pristine, undeveloped state could give doctors exactly the same advantages they would get from stem cells., the potential to make healthy body tissues of all sorts, and thus to cure disease. That could prove to be a true "miracle cure."

The writer holds that the potential to make healthy body tissues will ______.

A.aggravate moral issues of human cloning

B.bring great benefits to human beings

C.help scientists decode body instructions

D.involve employing surgical instruments

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更多“Gene therapy and gene-based dr…”相关的问题
听力原文:There are two primary ways that genes can be used to treat disease. The first is
gene therapy, in which one or more genes are injected into the patient to replace those that are absent or not working properly. This approach has been used to treat heart disease and many forms of cancer. The second way to exploit genes to treat disease is known as small-molecule therapy. In this approach, a small-molecule (that is a drug) is given to the patient to modify the function of one or more genes in the body.

According to the speaker, small-molecule therapy can be used to ______.

A.replace genes not functioning properly in the body

B.increase the number of genes working properly in the body

C.modify the function of some genes in the body

D.replace genes absent in the body

根据下面材料,回答第 31~35 题: In 2010. a federal judge shook America's biotech indust

根据下面材料,回答第 31~35 题:

In 2010. a federal judge shook America's biotech industry to its core. Companies had won patents for isolated DNA for decades-by 2005 some 20% of human genes were parented. But in March 2010 a judge ruled that genes were unpatentable. Executives were violently agitated. The Biotechnology Industry Organisation (BIO), a trade group, assured members that this was just a “preliminary step” in a longer battle.

On July 29th they were relieved, at least temporarily. A federal appeals court overturned the prior decision, ruling that Myriad Genetics could indeed hold patents to two genes that help forecast a woman's risk of breast cancer. The chief executive of Myriad, a company in Utah, said the ruling was a blessing to firms and patients alike.

But as companies continue their attempts at personalised medicine, the courts will remain rather busy. The Myriad case itself is probably not over. Critics make three main arguments against gene patents: a gene is a product of nature, so it may not be patented; gene patents suppress innovation rather than reward it; and patents' monopolies restrict access to genetic tests such as Myriad's. A growing number seem to agree. Last year a federal task-force urged reform. for patents related to genetic tests. In October the Department of Justice filed a brief in the Myriad case, arguing that an isolated DNA molecule “is no less a product of nature... than are cotton fibres that have been separated from cotton seeds.”

Despite the appeals court's decision, big questions remain unanswered. For example, it is unclear whether the sequencing of a whole genome violates the patents of individual genes within it. The case may yet reach the Supreme Court.

AS the industry advances, however, other suits may have an even greater impact. Companies are unlikely to file many more patents for human DNA molecules - most are already patented or in the public domain .firms are now studying how genes interact, looking for correlations that might be used to determine the causes of disease or predict a drug’s efficacy. Companies are eager to win patents for ‘connecting the dots’, explains Hans Sauer, a lawyer for the BIO.

Their success may be determined by a suit related to this issue, brought by the Mayo Clinic, which the Supreme Court will hear in its next term. The BIO recently held a convention which included sessions to coach lawyers on the shifting landscape for patents. Each meeting was packed.

第 31 题 It can be learned from paragraph I that the biotech companies would like______

A.their executives to be active

B.judges to rule out gene patenting

C.genes to be patentable

D.the BIO to issue a warning

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