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Nowadays a demand for this specialized type of service has been created because ______.A.t

Nowadays a demand for this specialized type of service has been created because ______.

A.there is a lack of jobs available for artistic people

B.there are so many top-level jobs available

C.there are so many people out of work

D.the job history is considered to be a work of art

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更多“Nowadays a demand for this spe…”相关的问题
The sentence "You might tolerate the rude and inconsiderate driver, but nowadays the well
mannered motorist is the exception to the rule." (Para. 1) implies that ______.

A.our society is unjust towards well-mannered motorists

B.rude drivers can be met only occasionally

C.the well-mannered motorist cannot tolerate the driver

D.nowadays impolite drivers constitute the majority of motorists

The government manages to affect the level of aggregate demand through and()mon
etary policy.

A.commerc ial




It was not until January 1776 that a widely heard public, voice demanded complete separati
on from England. Tire voice was that of______, whose pamphlet Common Sense, with its heated language, increased the growing demand for separation.

A.Thomas Paine

B.Thomas Jefferson

C.George Washington

D.Patrick Henry

有以下程序main(){ int a[4][4]={{1,4,3,2,},{8,6,5,7,},{3,7,2,5,},{4,8,6,1,}},i,k,t;fo



{ int a[4][4]={{1,4,3,2,},{8,6,5,7,},{3,7,2,5,},{4,8,6,1,}},i,k,t;


for(k=i+ 1 ;k<4;k++) if(a[i][i]<a[k][k]){t=a[i][i];a[i][i]=a[k][k];a[k][k]=t;}








听力原文: In the early 1800s, the paper industry was still using rags as its basic source
of fiber as it had for many centuries. However, the rag supply couldn’t keep up with the growing demand for paper. The United States alone was using 250 thou sand tons of rags each year. And a quarter of that had to be imported. It was clear that a new source of fiber was needed to keep up with the demand for paper. The answer to this problem turned out to be paper made from wood pulp, something that was abundantly available in North America. In Canada, the first wood pulp mill was set up in 1866, and it was immediately successful. But while wood pulp solved the problem of quantity, it created a problem of quality. Wood contains a substance called lignin. The simplest way to make large quantities of cheap paper involves leaving the lignin in the wood pulp. But lignin is acidic and its presence in paper has shorted the life expectancy of paper from several centuries for rag paper to less than a century for paper made from wood pulp. This means that books printed less than a hundred years ago are already turning yellow and beginning to disintegrate, even though books printed much earlier may be in fine condition. This is bad enough for the older books on your bookshelf, and it poses a huge problem for libraries and the collections of government documents, too.

The speaker mainly discusses ______.

A.the growth of the printing industry

B.the history of paper-making

C.the use of paper in the 19th century

D.the composition of wood fiber

Successful innovations have driven many older technologies to extinction and have resulted
in higher productivity, greater consumption of energy, increased demand for raw materials, accelerated flow of materials through the economy and increased quantities of metals and other substances in use per person. The history of industrial development is full of examples. In 1870, horses and mules were the prime source of power on U.S. farms. One horse or mule was required to support four human beings--a ratio that remained almost constant for many decades. At that time, had a national commission been asked to forecast the horse and mule population for 1970, its answer probably would have depended on whether its consultants were of an economic turn of mind. Had they been "economists", they would have recognized that the power of steam had already been harnessed to industry and to land and ocean transport. They would have recognized further that would be only a matter of time before steam would be the prime source of power on the farm. It would have been difficult for them to avoid the conclusion that the horse and mule population would decline rapidly.Which of the following is NOT mentioned by the author as a consequence of new technological developments?A.Older technologies die away.B.The quality of life is improved.C.Overall productivity increases.D.More raw materials become necessary.

Changes in the volume of unemployment are governed by three fundamental forces: the growth
of the labor force, the increase in output per man-hour, and the growth of total demand for goods and services. Changes in the average hours of work enter in exactly parallel fashion but have been quantitatively less significant. As productivity rises, less labor is required per dollar of national product, or more goods and services can be produced with the same number of goods. If output does not grow, employment will certainly fall; if production increases more rapidly than productivity (less any decline in average hours worked)employment must rise. But the labor force grows, too. Unless gross national product(total final expenditure for goods and services corrected for price changes) rises more rapidly than the sum of productivity increase and labor force growth (again modified for any change in hours of work), the increase in employment will be inadequate to absorb the growth in the labor force. Inevitably the unemployment rate will increase. Only when total production expands faster than the rate of labor force growth plus the rate of productivity increase and minus the rate at which average annual hours fall does the unemployment rate fall. Increases in productivity were more important than growth of the labor force as sources of the wide gains in output experienced in the period from the end of the war to the mid-sixties. These increases in potential production simply were not matched by increases in demand adequate to maintain steady full employment.

Except for the recession years of 1949, 1954, and 1958, the rate of economic growth exceeded the rate of productivity increase. However, in the late 1950s productivity and labor force were increasing more rapidly than usual, while the growth of output was slower than usual. This accounted for the change in employment rates.

But if part of the national purpose is to reduce and contain unemployment, arithmetic is not enough. We must know which of the basic factors we can control and which we wish to control. Unemployment would have risen more slowly or fallen more rapidly if productivity had in creased more slowly, or the labor force had increased more slowly, or the hours of work had fallen more steeply, or total output had grown more rapidly. These are not independent factors, however, and a change in any of them might have caused change in the other.

A society can choose to reduce the growth of productivity, and it can probably find ways to frustrate its own creativity. However, while a reduction in the growth of productivity at the expense of potential output might result in higher employment in the short run, the long-run effect on the national interest would be disastrous.

We must also give consideration to the fact that hidden beneath national averages is continuous movement into, out of, between, and within labor markets. For example, 15 years ago, the average number of persons in the labor force was 74 million, with about 70 million employed and 3.9 million unemployed. Yet 14 million experienced some term or unemployment in that year. Some were new entrants to the labor fore; others were laid off temporarily, the remainder were those who were permanently or indefinitely severed from their jobs. Thus, the average number unemployed during a year understates the actual volume of involunatary displacement that occurs.

High unemployment is not an inevitable result of the pace of technological change but the consequence of passive public policy. We can anticipate a moderate increase in the labor force accompained by a slow and irregular decline in hours or work. It follows that the output of the economy--and the aggregate demand to buy it--must grow by more than 4 percent a year just to prevent the unemployment rate from rising, and by even more if the unemployment rate is to fall further. Yet our

A.productivity rises at the same rate as growth of the labor force

B.productivity and labor force increase at a greater rate than output

C.output exceeds productivity

D.rate of economic growth is less than the number of man-hours required

Thomas Malthus published his Essay on the Principle of Populationalmost 200 years ago. Eve

Thomas Malthus published his Essay on the Principle of Population

almost 200 years ago. Ever since then, forecasters have being warning 【M1】 ______

that worldwide famine was just around the next comer. The fast-growing

population's demand for food, they warned, would soon exceed their 【M2】 ______

supply, leading to widespread food shortages and starvation.

But in reality, the world's total grain harvest has risen steadily over the

years. Except for relative isolated trouble spots like present-day Somalia, 【M3】 ______

and occasional years of good harvests, the world's food crisis has remained 【M4】 ______

just around the comer. Most experts believe this can continue even as ff 【M5】 ______

the population doubles by the mid-21st century, although feeding l0 billion

people will not be easy for politics, economic and environmental reasons. 【M6】 ______

Optimists point to concrete examples of continued improvements in yield.

In Africa, by instance, improved seeds, more fertilizers and advanced 【M7】 ______

growing practices have more than double com and wheat yields in an 【M8】 ______

experiment. Elsewhere, rice experts in the Philippines are producing

a plant with few stems and more seeds. There is no guarantee that plant 【M9】 ______

breeders can continue to develop new, higher-yielding crop, but most 【M10】______

researchers see their success to date as reason for hope.


Advertisement can be thought "as the means of making known in order to buy or sell goods o
r services". Advertisement aims to increase people's awareness and arouse interest. It tries to inform. and to persuade. The media are all used to spread the message. The press offers a fairly cheap method, and magazines are used to reach special sections of the market. The cinema and commercial radio are useful for local market. Television, although more expensive, can be very effective. Public notices are fairly cheap and more permanent in their power of attraction. Other ways of increasing consumer interest are through exhibitions and trade fairs as well as direct mail advertisement.

There can be no doubt that the growth in advertisement is one of the most striking features of the western world in this century. Many businesses such as those handling frozen foods, liquor, tobacco and medicines have been built up largely by advertisement.

We might ask whether the cost of advertisement is paid by the producer or by the customer. Since advertisement forms part of the cost of production, which has to be covered by the selling price, it is clear that it is the customer who pays for advertisement. However, if large scale advertisement leads to increased demand, production costs are reduced, and the customer pays less.

It is difficult to measure exactly the influence of advertisement on sales. When the market is growing, advertisement helps to increase demand. When the market is shrinking, advertisement may prevent a bigger fall in sales than would occur without its support. What is clear is that businesses would not pay large sums for advertisement if they were not convinced of its value to them.

Advertisement is often used to ______.

A.deceive customers

B.increase production

C.arouse suspicion

D.push the sale

4 Susan Grant is in something of a dilemma. She has been invited to join the board of the
troubled Marlow Fashion

Group as a non-executive director, but is uncertain as to the level and nature of her contribution to the strategic

thinking of the Group.

The Marlow Fashion Group had been set up by a husband and wife team in the 1970s in an economically depressed

part of the UK. They produced a comprehensive range of women’s clothing built round the theme of traditional English

style. and elegance. The Group had the necessary skills to design, manufacture and retail its product range. The

Marlow brand was quickly established and the company built up a loyal network of suppliers, workers in the company

factory and franchised retailers spread around the world. Marlow Fashion Group’s products were able to command

premium prices in the world of fashion. Rodney and Betty Marlow ensured that their commitment to traditional values

created a strong family atmosphere in its network of partners and were reluctant to change this.

Unfortunately, changes in the market for women’s wear presented a major threat to Marlow Fashion. Firstly, women

had become a much more active part of the workforce and demanded smarter, more functional outfits to wear at work.

Marlow Fashion’s emphasis on soft, feminine styles became increasingly dated. Secondly, the tight control exercised

by Betty and Rodney Marlow and their commitment to control of design, manufacturing and retailing left them

vulnerable to competitors who focused on just one of these core activities. Thirdly, there was a reluctance by the

Marlows and their management team to acknowledge that a significant fall in sales and profits were as a result of a

fundamental shift in demand for women’s clothing. Finally, the share price of the company fell dramatically. Betty and

Rodney Marlow retained a significant minority ownership stake, but the company had had a new Chief Executive

Officer every year since 2000.


(a) Write a short report to Susan Grant identifying and explaining the strategic strengths and weaknesses in the

Marlow Fashion Group. (12 marks)

It would be interesting to discover how many young people go to university without any cle
ar idea of what they are going to do afterwards. If one considers the enormous variety of courses【C1】______ , it is not hard to see how difficult it is for a student to select the course most suited to his【C2】______ and abilities. If a student goes to university to acquire a broader【C3】______ of life, to enlarge his ideas and to learn to think for himself, he will【C4】______ benefit. Schools often have too restricting an atmosphere, with its time tables and【C5】______ , to allow him much time for independent【C6】______ of the work he is asked to do. Most students would, I believe,【C7】 ______ by a year of such exploration of different academic studies, especially those "all rounders" with no【C8】______ interest. They should have longer time to decide in what subject they want to take their degrees, so【C9】______ in later life, they do not look 【C11】______ and say, "I should like to have been an archaeologist.【C10】______ I hadn't taken a degree in Modern Languages, I shouldn't have ended up as a(n)【C12】______ , but it's too late now. I couldn't go back and begin all over again."

There is, of course, another side to the question of how to make the best【C13】______ of one's time at university. This is the case of the student who excels in a particular branch of learning. He is immediately【C14】______ by the University of his choice, and spends his three or four years becoming a specialist, emerging with a first-class Honour Degree and very【C15】______ knowledge of what the rest of the world is all about. it【C16】______ becomes more and more important that. If students are not to waste their【C17】______ , there will have to be much more【C18】______ information about courses and more advice. Only in this way can we be sure that we are not to have, on the one hand. a hand of specialists【C19】______ of anything outside of their own subject, and on the other hand, an ever increasing number of graduates 【C20】______ in subjects for which there is little or no demand in the working world.






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