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Each year, hundreds of thousands of people die from heart attack, a leading cause of death

. In the Landmark Physicians' Health Study at Harvard University in the United States in the late 1980s, a research team led by Dr. Hennekens studied 22, 701 healthy male physicians, half of whom were randomly【1】to take an aspirin every other day while the others took placebos(安慰剂). After the participants had been【2】for an average of five years, the doctors in the aspirin group were found to have suffered 44 percent fewer first heart attacks.【3】, a recent international study indicates that aspirin can be beneficial for those people with a history of coronary artery(冠动脉) bypass surgery,【4】of their sex, age or whether they have high blood pressure or diabetes.

According to a report by the American Heart Association, doctors should consider prescribing【5】aspirin for middle-aged people with a family history of, or【6】for, heart disease. (Risk factors include smoking, being more than 20 percent overweight, high blood pressure and lack of exercise. )

Aspirin is also a lifesaver during heart attacks. Paramedics now give it routinely, and experts urge anyone with chest pain,【7】if it spreads to the neck, shoulder or an arm, or is accompanied by sweating, nausea (恶心), lightheadedness and breathing difficulty to chew and【8】an aspirin tablet immediately.

When taking aspirin for heart attack,【9】the plain, uncoated variety. For even faster absorption, crush and mix with a little water. Speed of absorption is critical because most heart attack deaths occur【10】the first few hours after chest pain strikes.






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As he wiped sweat from his face on a crowded bus, Wang Jun spoke angrily, " it is simply t
oo hot today. They say it is 35 degrees, but who believes them?"

Mr. Wang, a retired worker, was echoing the feelings of thousands of Beijing people as summer entered its hottest stage.

Thursday was the hottest day of the year so far, with the temperature officially reported as 36 degrees. But many people believe the government understates the real figure because regulations (条例 ) passed in the 1950s allow workers to stay at home for all or half day if the temperature is higher than 38 degrees.

" It was at least 40 degrees on Thursday, " said Liang Guojun, a middle school teacher. " It was unbearable. But the newspaper said only 36 and forecast rain. Of which there was none.

In Beijing, visitors to Daguanyuan Park in the southwest of the city said the ground temperature reached 55 degrees on Thursday.

The Beijing Evening News reported yesterday that more than 3 , 000 people had been admitted to hospitals suffering from heat stroke (中暑) , while local power companies were struggling to meet the demand for electricity.

A heat wave is sweeping much of the mainland, with temperatures in parts of Beijing, Shandong and Hebei provinces reaching as high as 39 degrees. Xinhua said the average temperature in Beijing on Thursday was 36 degrees but in the northern part of Tanghe Kou it was 39 degrees.

Hundreds of people suffering fevers were treated at hospitals. The Chaoyang hospital in northeast Beijing reported 55 such cases on Wednesday. They said most were caused by the difference in temperature between air-conditioned areas and outdoors.

Mr. Liang said the regulation on stopping work when the temperature reached 38 degrees was passed in the 1950s when Beijing had no air-conditioning and depended on fans—either handheld or electric.

"But in those days the temperature rarely reached 38 degrees, so the rule was not actually used. Now we have had years of global warming and industrial pollution and the summers get hotter each year, which means that the temperature is often higher than 38.

But an official from the Beijing Meteorological Observatory (北京气象台) said they had no knowledge of any such regulation.

Whom does the underlined word "they" (Paragraph 1) refer to?

A.Bus drivers.

B.Weather reports.

C.Newspaper editors.

D.Passengers on the bus.







Abby consumes only apples. In year 1, red apples cost $1 each, green apples cost $2 each, and Abby buys 10 red apples. In year 2, red apples cost $2, green apples cost $1, and Abby buys 10 green apples.

a.Compute a consumer price index for apples for each year. Assume that year 1 is the base year in which the consumer basket is fixed. How does your index change from year 1 to year 2?

b.Compute Abby's nominal spending on apples in each year. How does it change from year 1 to year 2?

c.Using year 1 as the base year, compute Abby's real spending on apples in each year. How does it change from year 1 to year 2?

d.Defining the implicit price deflator as nominal spending divided by real spending, compute the deflator for each year. How does the deflator change from year l to year 2?

e.Suppose that Abby is equally happy eating red or green apples, How much has the true cost of living increased for Abby? Compare this answer to your answers to parts (a) and (d). What does this example tell you about Laspeyres and Paasche price indexes?

During the period from the date of effectiveness to the termination of the contract,the two Parties
shall hold a meeting every year to discuss problems in the execution of the contract,to exchange views on technical development and improvement and lay a foundation for further technical cooperation.The aforesaid meeting shall be held in the two countries in turn.The contents and conclusion of such discussions shall be written in memorandum.The number of attendants of each party shall be no more than five persons. Each party shall bear its own expenses.
The flying fox is not a fox at all. It is an extra large bat that has got a fox's head, an
d that feeds on fruit instead of insects. Like all bats, flying foxes hang themselves by their toes when it rest, and travel in great crowds when out flying. A group will live in one spot for years. Sometimes several hundreds of them occupy (占据) a single tree. As they return to the tree toward sunrise, they quarrel among themselves and fight for the best places until long after daylight.

Flying foxes have babies once a year, giving birth to only one at a time. At first the mother has to carry the baby on her breast wherever she goes. Later she leaves it hanging up, and brings back food for it to eat. Sometimes a baby falls down to the ground and squeaks(尖叫) for help. Then the older ones swoop (俯冲) down and try to pick it up. If they fail to do so, it will die, Often hundreds of dead baby bats can be found lying on the ground at the foot of a tree.

The passage tells us that there is no difference between, the flying fox and the ordinary hat in ______. ()

A.their size

B.their appearance

C.the way they rest

D.the kind of food they eat

It is a wise father that knows his own child, but today a man can boost his paternal (fath

It is a wise father that knows his own child, but today a man can boost his paternal (fatherly) wisdom— or at least confirm that he's the kid's dad. All he needs to do is shell out $30 for paternity testing kit (PTK) at his local drugstore—and another $120 to get the results.

More than 60,000 people have purchased the PTKs since they first became available without prescriptions last year, according to Doug Fogg, chief operating officer of Identigene, which makes the over-the-counter kits. More than two dozen companies sell DNA tests directly to the public, ranging in price from a few hundred dollars to more than $ 2,500.

Among the most popular: paternity and kinship testing, which adopted children can use to find their biological relatives and families can use to track down kids put up for adoption. DNA testing is also the latest rage among passionate genealogists—and supports businesses that offer to search for a family's geographic roots.

Most tests require collecting cells by swabbing saliva in the mouth and sending it to the company for testing. All tests require a potential candidate with whom to compare DNA.

But some observers are skeptical. "There is a kind of false precision being hawked by people claiming they are doing ancestry testing," says Troy Duster, a New York University sociologist. He notes that each individual has many ancestors—numbering in the hundreds just a few centuries back. Yet most ancestry testing only considers a single lineage, either the Y chromosome inherited through men in a father's line or mitochondrial DNA, which is passed down only from mothers. This DNA can reveal genetic information about only one or two ancestors, even though, for example, just three generations back people also have six other great-grandparents or, four generations back, 14 other great-great-grandparents.

Critics also argue that commercial genetic testing is only as good as the reference collections to which a sample is compared. Databases used by some companies don't rely on data collected systematically but rather lump together information from different research projects. This means that a DNA database may have a lot of data from some regions and not others, so a person's test results may differ depending on the company that processes the results. In addition, the computer programs a company uses to estimate relationships may be patented and not subject to peer review or outside evaluation.

In Paragraphs 1 and 2, the text shows PTK's ______.

A.easy availability

B.flexibility in pricing

C.successful promotion

D.popularity with households

(c) In October 2004, Volcan commenced the development of a site in a valley of ‘outstandin

(c) In October 2004, Volcan commenced the development of a site in a valley of ‘outstanding natural beauty’ on

which to build a retail ‘megastore’ and warehouse in late 2005. Local government planning permission for the

development, which was received in April 2005, requires that three 100-year-old trees within the valley be

preserved and the surrounding valley be restored in 2006. Additions to property, plant and equipment during

the year include $4·4 million for the estimated cost of site restoration. This estimate includes a provision of

$0·4 million for the relocation of the 100-year-old trees.

In March 2005 the trees were chopped down to make way for a car park. A fine of $20,000 per tree was paid

to the local government in May 2005. (7 marks)


For each of the above issues:

(i) comment on the matters that you should consider; and

(ii) state the audit evidence that you should expect to find,

in undertaking your review of the audit working papers and financial statements of Volcan for the year ended

31 March 2005.

NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three issues.

In the month of September, in Britain, you may see large numbers of birds (1)_____ on roof

In the month of September, in Britain, you may see large numbers of birds (1)_____ on roofs and telegraph wires. These birds are swallows. They are (2)_____ together because, very soon, they will be flying. (3)_____ to much warmer lands, where they will find (4)_____ the small flying insects on which they (5)_____. There are no such insects (6)_____ in Britain during the winter; it is (7)_____ cold for them.

The swallows settle, fly off, swoop, and (8)_____ again. This they do many times, for they are making short (9)_____ flights in order to be fit for the long journey (10)_____ them.

(11)_____ of these migrating birds leave Britain in the autumn. They fly (12)_____ for hundreds of miles (13)_____ they reach the warm lands of Africa. But not all the birds get there, for many of them perish in the stormy weather they meet with (14)_____.

In the spring of the following year they" (15)_____ the long and tiring journey back to Britain.

They return to the identical barn or tree in the (16)_____ district which they had left the (17)_____ autumn. How do these birds find their (18)_____ there and back over such vast distances? Nobody knows exactly (19)_____, but it has something to do (20)_____ winds and air currents.

A.being perched


C.being perching

D.be perched

Greek soldiers sent messages by turning their shields (盾) toward the sun.The flashes refl

Greek soldiers sent messages by turning their shields (盾) toward the sun. The flashes reflected light could be seen several miles away. The enemy did not know what the flashes meant, but other Greek soldiers could understand the messages.

Roman soldiers in some places built long rows of signal towers. When they had a message to send, the soldiers shouted it from tower to tower. If there were enough towers and enough soldiers with loud voices, important news could be sent quickly over distance.

In Africa, people learned to send messages by beating on a series of large drums (鼓). Each drum was kept within hearing distance of the next one. The drum beats were sent out in a special way that all the drummers understood. Though the messages were simple, they could be sent at great speed for hundreds of miles.

In the eighteenth century, a French engineer found a new way to send short messages. In this way, a person held a flag in each hand and the arms were moved to various positions representing different letters of the alphabet. It was like spelling out words with flags and arms.

Over a long period of time, people sent messages by all these different ways. However, not until the telephone was invented in America in the nineteenth century could people send speech sounds over a great distance in just a few seconds.

According to this passage, the Roman way of communication depended very much upon______.

A.fine weather

B.high tower

C.the spelling system

D.arm movements

An Organization that Supports the Arts Aside from perpetuating itself, the sole purpose of

An Organization that Supports the Arts

Aside from perpetuating itself, the sole purpose of the American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters is to "foster, assist and sustain an interest" in literature, music, and art. This it does by enthusiastically handing out money. Annual cash awards are given to deserving artists in various categories of creativity: architecture, musical composition, theater, novels, serious poetry, light verse, painting, sculpture. One award subsidizes a promising American writer' s visit to Rome. There is even an award for a very good work of fiction that failed commercially--once won by the young John Updike for The Poorhouse Fair and, more recently, by Alice Walker for In Love and Trouble.

The awards and prizes are total about 750,000 a year, but most of them range in size from 5,000 to 12,500, a welcome sum to many young practitioners whose work may not bring in that much money in a year. One of the advantages of the awards is that many go to the struggling artists, rather than to those who are already successful. Members of the Academy and Institute are not eligible for any cash prizes. Another advantage is that, unlike the National Endowment for the Arts or similar institutions throughout the world, there is no government money involved.

Awards are made by committee. Each of the three departments----Literature (120 members), Art (83), Music (47)-----has a committee dealing with its own field. Committee membership rotates every year, so that new voices and opinions are constantly heard. The most financially rewarding of all the Academy - Institute awards are the Mildred and Harold Strauss Livings. Harold Strauss, a devoted editor at Alfred A. Knopf, the New York publishing house, and Mildred Strauss, his wife, were wealthy and childless. They left the Academy -Institute a unique bequest: for five consecutive years, two distinguished (and financially needy) writers would receive enough money so they could devote themselves entirely to "prose literature" (no plays, no poetry, and no paying job that might distract). In 1983, the first Strauss Livings of 35,000 a year went to short -story writer Raymond Carver and novelist- essayist Cynthia Ozick. By 1988, the fund had grown enough so that two winners, novelists Diane Johnson and Robert Stone, each got 50,000 a year for five years.

Which of the following can be inferred about Alice Walker' s book In love and Trouble?

A.It sold more copies than The Poorhouse Fair.

B.It described the author' s visit to Rome.

C.It was a commercial success.

D.It was published after The Poorhouse Fair.

To: Cisco Systems employeesFrom: Stella Joyce, Event Planning CommitteeDate: Friday, Octob

To: Cisco Systems employees

From: Stella Joyce, Event Planning Committee

Date: Friday, October 18

Subject: the 7th Annual System Administrator Appreciation Day

Each year, on System Administrator Appreciation Day, we pause to recognize many contributions that have made by our system administrators during the year. This year's System Administrator Appreciation Day will be held on December 10 and not December 5 as announced earlier. The Event Planning Committee is looking for your help to make this year's celebration the best yet.

We are looking for ways to increase employee involvement in the event. For instance, would you like to help schedule the event program or bring food? Would you have time to set up decorations? Or perhaps you'd be willing to help by wiping off the tables, disposing of garbage, storing leftover food and removing decorations after the event.

An informational session will be held on Thursday, November 24 in room 208. If you would like to volunteer to help out at the 7th annual System Administrator Appreciation Day, please contact Ms. Becky Walls at 504-2961.

If you are unable to attend the meeting but, have ideas you would like to share, please e-mail me at stella@cisco.com.

What is NOT mentioned as an activity for volunteers?

A.Determining the order of events

B.Decorating a room

C.Buying gifts for employees

D.Helping clean up

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